Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Skinny Fiber Reviews - The Power of Enzymes

When looking for a weight loss product the search begins on the Internet. People look for honest reviews that will help potential customers make and informed decision. The following are just a few questions that Skinny Fiber Reviews will need to be answer:
  1. What is Skinny Fiber?
  2. Where is the company located?
  3. What are the ingredients?
  4. What are the side effects?
  5. What is the cost of Skinny Fiber?
  6. Where can you buy Skinny Fiber?
  7. Contact information for the company?
  8. What countries is Skinny Fiber available?
NB. I am a distributor for the company and I will be unbiased in my review. If you want to go to the company website then click the link- Skinny Body Care

What is Skinny Fiber?

Skinny Fiber is not just another fly by night diet pill. It is a dietary supplement packed with the power of enzymes to help the body perform at best. Skinny Fiber Weight Management product has been recognized as the PREMIER product of its kind with thousands of satisfied customers across the globe continuing to use it to get results and LONG TERM weight management SOLUTIONS!

Where is the company located?

The company's name is Skinny Body Car. The flagship product is Skinny Fiber Diet pills and now they have added  Ageless Anti-Aging Serum, customers now have the ability to not only manage their weight, but also to help erase fine lines and wrinkles and look up to 10 years younger with what we believe is the BEST age-reversing skin care product EVER created! The address is as follows:

3634 Long Prairie Rd.
Suite 108-113
Flower Mound, TX 75022

See more information here: The Skinny Body Care Company


What are the ingredients?

The success of Skinny Fiber Diet Pills is in the ingredients.

glucomannan - skinny fiber ingredientGlucomannan is a unique ‪‎skinny fiber ingredient‬. All natural soluble dietary fiber. Believed to expand in your stomach to make you feel full, Glucomannan may help suppress your appetite to overcome the #1 enemy to weight management, overeating.

Glucomannan is a water-soluble polysaccharides that is considered a dietary fiber. It is a hemicellulose component in the cell walls of some plant species. Glucomannan is a food additive used as an emulsifier and thickener. Wikipedia

 Glucomannan has been shown to have other health benefits such as helping to support cholesterol levels already with the normal range and more.* Glucomannan is a true wonder ingredient! Skinny Fiber Side Effects are not a norm because of all the natural skinny fiber ingredients blended together.

Cha De Bugre - Small tree found in Brazil is very successful in suppressing the appetite and believed to fight cellulite. Can be roasted and made into a coffee substitute and is a good heart tonic that stimulates circulation.

Cha de Bugre is a popular weight loss aid in Brazil and is a common ingredient in "Brazilian diet pills" that are also becoming popular in North America. Some of these "Brazilian diet pills" are also thought to contain prescription amphetamines and tranquilizers.

Cha de Bugre is also used to treat cellulite, cough, fluid retention (edema), gout, cancer, herpes, viral infections, fever, and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is also used as a general tonic to improve blood circulation and heart function. Some people apply Cha de Bugre directly to the skin for wound healing.

caralluma - skinny fiber ingredientCaralluma -Quenches thirst and suppresses hunger. It’s believed to block enzymes that form fat in the body. It’s used by natives who go out for hunting, especially in famine prone areas and where there’s a scarcity of food.
Caralluma is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India it grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. It is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe.

Traditionally, Indian tribes chewed chunks of caralluma to keep from being hungry during a long hunt. These days, a solution that contains chemicals taken from the plant (extract) is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance.

Skinny Fiber Side Effects!

The natural plants and herbs packed together do not have any side effects. This is normally the feedback from many people that have used the product. However we are all not created the same and our bodies may react differently. If you are not sure if you have allergies or medical concerns please see your doctor before starting you Skinny Fiber 90 Day Challenge.

Skinny Fiber Price

 The cost of Skinny Fiber is very affordable. All three of the main ingredients are sold separately. Skinny Fiber combines all 3 ingredients and more for only $ 59.95.


Skinny Body Care rewards people that are serious and want to lose weight. They offer fantastic online specials. Taking advantage of the specials make more financial gain. If you buy 2 you get one FREE. After you lost weight and want to make some extra cash, buy 3 and get 3 free. The premier value pack is also great for friends want to lose weight together.

Where to buy Skinny Fiber?

Skinny Fiber is the product of  the company Skinny Body Care. The company uses affiliates as the sales team for distribution around the world. These distributors are given a replicated websites that can be used to make online purchases. As an example if you click on the Order Skinny Fiber tab on the top of the page you will be directed to my sales page.

Amazon and other sites are offering Skinny Fiber but it may not be the original product. Only authorised distributors websites have the original product shipped from United States. Other than online you can purchase Skinny Fiber offline from local distributors in your country. A Google search for a distributor should get you a name or a number. If you are reading this and would like to order you can. The Skinny Fiber Diet Pills will be shipped to you within 3 business days from the company.

Skinny Fiber works and get results. If used as directed 2 capsules half hour before meals with at least 8 ounces of water you will start to see results. If you are any questions or need more information please leave a comment.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Skinny Fiber Distributor

"Making Money Online Does Not Have To Be Difficult! 

Find Out How Skinny Fiber Distributors 

Help Change People's Lives 

And Make Money..."

Skinny Fiber Distributor

To make  money online you need to own your own product or be able to promote a product that can help people resolve a need or want. Skinny Body Care and many other companies like Amazon, Clickbank, Expedia, Ebay, Best Buys and other all have affiliate programs. A Skinny Body Care affiliate is called a Skinny Fiber Distributor.

Take a look at the great video that you are given as part of the marketing tools to be successful as a distributor. 

skinny fiber distributor video explains how the system hows
 To be a successful Skinny Fiber Affiliate you need to know the facts about the company:
  • How long the company is operating?
  • The owner of the company?
  • The success stories of the product?
  • The success stories of other affiliates?
  • Can the product have a global reach?
These are just some of the questions that must be answered in the affirmative when thinking of becoming a team member. As a member of the Skinny Body Care Affiliate program you are given tools to succeed.

Skinny Fiber Marketing Tools

Skinny Body Care provides resources that allow person with and without online skills to be successful working from home. The company provide tools that affiliates need:
  • Free Back Office
  • Free Website - English, Spanish, Russian etc
  • Free Email Marketing 
  • Free landing pages/ Squeeze page
  • Business Cards
  • Brochures 
The  ability to use different systems to target your customer/prospects is important. The person wanting to lose weight may not be interested in marketing and vice versa. Therefore it may have negative impact when you send both to the same landing page.
Having the right tools is a huge factor to success as a Skinny Fiber Distributor. Another key ingredient is the team you join. It is a fact that before people buy anything they do their research online.
Being on a team that can help will go a long way. The use of search engines and social media can impact your work from home opportunity significantly. The need to have a website will help and was most important. Now with the use of Facebook Fanpages you can make legitmate money working online from home.
Social media sites also has change the way business is done. Do you have socail media attached to your business? Take a look:


If you are looking for ways to make legitimate money online, work from home, start your own weight loss business or just make some extra cash then becoming a Skinny Fiber Distributor is a great opportunity to review. If you wondering about the compensation plan then you need to ask "Why is he still a member after 3 years?"

If you serious and want to work with me and be part of the Skinny Body Care Affiliate program email me at


Saturday, May 10, 2014

What Is Skinny Fiber

"Find out What is Skinny Fiber? With All 

Natural Ingredients 

Ignite Your Metabolism For 

Fast Weight Loss Success..."

There are people looking for weight loss products for different reasons. A wedding within a couple months, graduation, vacation with that special one, whatever the reason losing weight is a goal many people are searching for every day. Have you heard about Skinny Fiber? People are online looking for reviews on What is Skinny Fiber?


What is Skinny Fiber

Actually, it is a dietary supplement, which is presented in the form of a pill, tablet or capsule, that helps you lose weight by preventing cravings, helping you feel fuller when you eat and increases your metabolism so you burn calories more effectively. The pills are made from all natural products, so you don’t have to worry about putting chemicals into your body. What is more, you can find various other sources in your diet mostly in form of fiber-rich foods.
Skinny Fiber is certainly a diet supplement that has changed many people’s live due to its various health improvements that have been proven by success stories. The main component inside theskinny fiber diet pills is Cha de Burgre, Caralluma and Glucomanan. This article reviews one of the better supplements in the marketplace – What is Skinny Fiber?

Where's Skinny Fiber Acquired From?

The weight loss supplement combines eco-friendly herbs and natural ingredients. These herbs and plants were used for quite some time in India, Japan and regions of Africa for flavour and suppressing hunger.

Recommended Dosage

These supplements are available online in tablet or capsule form. Skinny Fiber (2) must be taken at least half hour before lunch and (2) half jour before dinner. With 120 tablets per bottle it is a month’s supply. Again the conventional dosage for your supplement is two (2) occasions day, taken roughly 30 minutes before meals with water.

 Personal Tip 

Drink 8 ounces of lemon water first every morning. This will jump start your metabolic rate and flush your system. It help adjust your body ph (acidity/alkaline)

Pros of Skinny Fiber

1. Suppresses food urges and appetite Various studies have proven that caralluma can be useful for suppressing your appetite which will help you manage undesirable weight. Better yet, it does not contain any caffeine or harmful side effects which are the norm with lots of supplements available.

2. Boosts burning of body fat The liver plays an important role inside the conversion of sugars into body fat, which explains why eating sugary foods results in weight gain. The natural ingredients helps the liver to convert sugar into energy before it becomes body fat. Basically, it can help eliminate the sugars from your body before they become body fat. 

Skinny Fiber is really a product that can help both men and women lose weight. This article covered the ingredients, how you take skinny fiber and the benefits. So know you know - What is Skinny Fiber.

Skinny Fiber Ingredients

Diet pills are available in different types and have the popular ingredints such as Acia, Mangosteen, Aloe Vera and many other herbs. These are some of the all natural ingredients that weight loss products have combined. The side note is they have one or a few that help.

The key to weight loss is knowing what causes weight gain, how the body works and what can be done for the body to be in a position to lose weight. The body will not effectively function with harmful toxins. Skinny Fiber Diet Pills starts attaching the root cause of weight gain.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Skinny Fiber Ingredients - The Secret Of Natural Herbs

"Enjoy Losing Weight With The Special Skinny 

Fiber Ingredients! With All Natural Ingredients 

Will Ignite Your Metabolism For 

Fast Weight Loss Success..."


Now You Can Get Results Taking 2 Diets Before Meals 

Losing weight is a process and not an overnight process. Healthy diet plans are all over the internet claiming to get results. Some are fad diets and other are just not what is promised and do not work. To lose weight the secret is in the Skinny Fiber Ingredients.

The difference between Skinny Fiber Diet Pills and other diet pills on the internet is the all natural ingredients. Knowing how the body works is the key to weight loss. When the metabolism works well the body does not store excess fat. When there are toxins in the body and the liver is unable to clear waste the fat process starts and causes other side effects.

 Skinny Fiber Ingredients

glucomannan - skinny fiber ingredient
Glucomannan is a unique ‪#‎skinnyfiberingredient‬. All natural soluble dietary fiber. Believed to expand in your stomach to make you feel full, Glucomannan may help suppress your appetite to overcome the #1 enemy to weight management, overeating.

Glucomannan is a water-soluble polysaccharide that is considered a dietary fiber. It is a hemicellulose component in the cell walls of some plant species. Glucomannan is a food additive used as an emulsifier and thickener. Wikipedia

 Glucomannan has been shown to have other health benefits such as helping to support cholesterol levels already with the normal range and more.* Glucomannan is a true wonder ingredient! Skinny Fiber Side Effects are not a norm because of all the natural skinny fiber ingredients blended together.

cha' de bugre - skinny fiber ingredients

Cha De Bugre - Small tree found in Brazil is very successful in suppressing the appetite and believed to fight cellulite. Can be roasted and made into a coffee substitute and is a good heart tonic that stimulates circulation.

Cha de Bugre is a popular weight loss aid in Brazil and is a common ingredient in "Brazilian diet pills" that are also becoming popular in North America. Some of these "Brazilian diet pills" are also thought to contain prescription amphetamines and tranquilizers.

Cha de Bugre is also used to treat cellulite, cough, fluid retention (edema), gout, cancer, herpes, viral infections, fever, and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is also used as a general tonic to improve blood circulation and heart function. Some people apply Cha de Bugre directly to the skin for wound healing.

caralluma - skinny fiber ingredient
Caralluma -Quenches thirst and suppresses hunger. It’s believed to block enzymes that form fat in the body. It’s used by natives who go out for hunting, especially in famine prone areas and where there’s a scarcity of food.
Caralluma is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India it grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. It is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe.

Traditionally, Indian tribes chewed chunks of caralluma to keep from being hungry during a long hunt. These days, a solution that contains chemicals taken from the plant (extract) is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance.

In foods in India, caralluma is cooked as a vegetable and is used in preserves such as chutneys and pickles. It is also eaten raw.

How does it work?

Chemicals contained in the caralluma plant are thought to decrease appetite.

skinny fiber benefits
Skinny Body Care have combined natural herbs and plants into a blend that together attack the root cause of weight gain. The ingredients are all sold as seperate products and have had success. Imagine the power of Cha' de Burgre, Glucomannan and Caralluma all working together to fight against toxins and fat retention? The odds are in favor of Skinny Fiber winning the battle. Are you ready to win with the Skinny Fiber Ingredients?